About Me

My name is Garrett Kemp. I am an aspiring real estate investor who specializes in digital marketing, search engine optimization, and web design. I currently work with a real estate investor out of Ogden, Utah. We are working together to rebuild local communities in Utah by repairing and remodeling homes that have not been cared for.

I grew up in Utah, and I have loved the beautiful mountains it has to offer. Utah truly is a great place to live, and I have enjoyed my life here. I graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelors of Science in Marketing from the David Eccles School of Business. Before studying at The U, I grew up and went to school just north of Salt Lake City.

While finishing up my studies at the University of Utah, I gathered digital marketing experience while working at Firetoss and Finch. Working for an SEO/Digital Marketing agency, and an AdWords technology start-up provided me with a ton of useful experience I have been able to employ in my real estate career.

Of course, I knew my college education wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t work a restaurant job. So, I spent most my hours throughout school bussing tables, then serving once I turned 21 (gotta love Utah law). Restaurant work was fun, but it sure is nice to be done with the late nights.

Work isn’t the only thing I do though! I really like rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, traveling, and all the fun stuff! I just plan on building pages for those types of stories, so I won’t get in to them here.

If you want to get in touch, maybe your a long lost friend, or a new one. Feel free to reach out and contact me, I am trying to build my professional network, and it never hurts to make a few friends along the way.